FULL OF OPPORTUNITIES | Career | Turning point in life.
Now a days Parents are Forcing there children/students to option either for
Engineering or Medical as their career choice and some other ask them to apply
for Government Jobs .Really parents are forcing their child directly in the name of career ,jobs ,etc...

when the students /child are not able to fulfill there parent expectation .
20 % of kids are going into a severe depression /mental tension .out of which 50 % of students attempts SUICIDE Option and remining 50% are addicted to drugs both are very worst condition rest 80% are going to be successful Engineers ,Doctors , Government Employees .
* Now a days there are many Opportunities in today's world . If your child don't want to be a Engineer never mind prefer him a Computer courses like C ,C++ ,
JAVA , Python , web design , Hardware ,Software and many more courses with degree Certificate are available .
* If your child is not able to crack NEET don't worry prefer him a course related to Physiology ,Human anatomy ,Micro biology .
* If your child not able to crack IIT ,MAINS ,NIT don't worry prefer him a Management Courses .
* If your child not interest in Government jobs prefer them a private firms and encourage them and give them more learning opportunities they will really achieve in there life . KNOWLEDGE IS POWER so give you child full clear view about want ever they like to learn.
dress in society
Java programming
New virus
power of meditation
Turning point in life
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