What is C++ language ? | first computer language | use of C ++

 What is C++language ?

  Introduction of C++.

              C++ was developed at AT&T Bell laboratories in the early 1980s by Bjarne stroustrup.
               The name C++was coined by Rick Mascitti. ( "++" Is the c increment operator.) All c programs can be run successfully using C++complier

 C ++programming language

  Origin of C++language                     

 C++    was designed using two languages such as"C" language which gives the low level feature and    "simula 67 "    provides the class concept .

 c ++ character set  

 like c language c ++ language  also has some specific characteristics which are called as TOKENS.
token is the small individual unit in a program .Tokens are divided into five types they are.                                  

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