Essay about invention of submarine | what is submarines ? | uses of submarines | navy

Essay about Invention of SUBMARINES | use of submarines.


🟠 What is submarine ?

                The submarine is a vessel which is closed by all sides and capable of floating both on and under water surface .It can go very deep into the sea.


🟠 History of submarines :

           The first submarine was designed by Carnelius Van Drebbele of Holland in 1620. It 
 was made up of wood and wrapped leather.  

         It will go 2 to3 meter deep in sea .

        Later many researches were made to create submarine at last in 1880 a submarine was made and propelled by steam engine .

      Later submarine were modified for diesel engine in 1St world war submarines were used successfully .

In  2nd world war it use in sea warfare .

🟠 Developed modern submarines

          Now a days Nuclear power submarines were used it was made by metal sheets and modern equipment like sonars , radars, Periscope etc
           Missiles were use to destroy enemy ships

              Periscope is used to sea under water surface.

              Submarines are useful in Oceanography ( study of ocean) .

              It used in search and rescue missions.submarines are useful in defense purpose of every nation.

              Used to repair underground water cable , network cable etc.

              Use to check  ocean environmental changes and ocean pollutions .

             Now a days submarines are important for navy in all countries,



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